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My Supports

My Heavenly Support

Above all God is my support system. God doesn’t give you people you want, he gives you people you need to help me become the person I was meant to be.

My Family Support

My main support system is my husband. Throughout our 31 years of marriage, he is the one that is there for me no matter what. I am able to share everything with him, my good and bad days. He is the one that is there for me when I need to vent and encourages me to be positive when I feel defeated. He is the want that wakes me up for work with a cup of coffee and toast after a late night working on classwork. He is my rock.

Although my mother is with the angels she was the support system of my whole family. She was a Girl Scout leader and a Den Mother for my brother’s Club Scout troop. She was the one that made me the woman I am today. Always encouraging me to continue my education, be honest, compassionate, understanding, and to always give back to your community.

I also gain support from my two daughters who look up to me and think that I am amazing for continuing my education. Although I am their support system they are also mine. They make me feel important and I strive to stay a positive role model for them.

Even though we live miles apart my sisters bring so much meaning to my life as we reminisce about our childhood together, our mother, and talk about our life’s journey. We talk about our lives, families, and dreams. We call each other when we are feeling down, sick, or have an exciting event in our lives. We offer each other advice, and praise, and the once sibling rivalry has now become respect and admiration.


I also have a network of friends that are a part of my support team. I have friends from my childhood and friends from my adulthood who I am I close contact with and we provide each other with support and encouragement on a regular basis.

My Professional Support

The people I work with also are my support system. We all have a close respectful relationship and strive to help each other. My supervisor especially is the best. She is always complimenting on our work, classroom and calling us “classy ladies”. She treats us to lunch once a week in appreciation of her dedication to us and thanks us for taking such good care of our children and families and making her look good. The support that she gives us and the relationship we have with each has been the best working environment in my early childhood career.

Lastly, and just as important, is the support that I receive from Walden and my professors. They have provided me with all tools and support I need to be successful in working towards my master's degree.

Reflections On My Support System

Spiritual, family, social, and professional support systems are important for solid relationships and strong psychological health. These relationships play a critical role in how I function in my day-to day life. Support systems are a two ways street, in addition to relying on others I can serve as a support system for other people in my life.

Research as discovered that poor support systems has been linked to depression and loneliness can even result in drug abuse, heart disease, and ultimately suicide.

I am thankful that I have such great people as a support system. I think that if I did not have such a great support system I would not be as motivated and grounded as I am today.

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