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Relationship Reflection

As I reflect on the relationships in my life I realize that I multiple types of relationships each with their own uniqueness and nurtured in different ways. I can put them in categories: romantic, family, friends, acquaintances, and professional.

My romantic relationship of course relationship of course is with my husband. We will have been married 31 year in October. Our relationship has been built on love, trust and respect. We share many of the same beliefs, habits, and interests, and honor and respect each other’s differences and opinions. I am able to feel at ease sharing my deepest thoughts and emotions, feeling free of judgment from the other person.

My family relationships are with my children, siblings, and relatives. They are what build the backbone of our family and our family traditions. My daughters and I now share a respectful mother-daughter friend relationship. My grandchildren get all the love, nurturing, and spoiling that grandma’s give, and they expect it.

I have a select amount of close friends. These friendships have been ongoing for years. They are the ones that are supportive, loyal, and respectful. I am able to share happy and sad times and even vent without feeling that I am burdening them.

Acquaintances are people I occasionally encounter and have cordial conversations and interactions with. They are always respectful and but the interaction is always very light.

Lastly my professional relationships are with the people I work with. I love the people I work with they are a great bunch. We all have mutual respect for the talents we each possess and the ability to collaborate and work together for the benefit of the families we serve. Because we are a small team we rely on each other and we are each other’s support system. We come to work to do a job and pride ourselves on our professionalism and efficiency. However, we are playful with each other and do exchange some conversations about our personal and home life.

I think maintaining relationships depend on what you are willing to put into them.

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