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The Art of Communication-Making a Connection

I have watched many videos, attended many lectures, Zoom trainings, etc. the thing that keeps me interested and connected is how the presenter engages with me give me a reason to listen. We’ve all been audience members for presenters who we don’t connect with. Our minds wander, we get offended, we ignore the presenter, we do everything but pay attention. I have to admit there are many times that the presentation was so boring I began multitasking dong other things while listening, but not really listening. The main goal of a speaker's presentation is to relay information, through making a connection with the audience. As a speaker, it is vital to make a personal connection with the audience. The ability to establish this connection can make the difference between being evaluated positively or negatively, being believed or doubted, or delivering an effective or ineffective presentation (Grand State Valley University, n.d.).

To be effective the speaker/s need to be able to tell a story that is human and relatable to their audience by share a personal story, relate to current events, and adding a splash of humor is always effective. I also think using terms that are understandable or defining unfamiliar terms is important. I have not understood what some speakers was referring to when they were using words that I was not familiar with.

I recently received a video for viewing and immediately I was drawn into the speaker's presentation. The speaker's name is Dr. Rita Pierson and her topic is " Every Child Needs a Champion". Ms Pierson has a speaking style that is down to earth and relatable. She mixes facts with humor and has her audience engaged in her speech by asking them to think about the statements, and compare them to their own experiences. I enjoyed her presentation so much that I research and watched more of her videos on Youtube. "My Mama Said" is another great presentation. She has many more that are just as enjoyable. I hope you enjoy them too.

I would definitely want to use Dr. Pierson's speaking techniques and style because she kept her audience engaged. She spoke keeping a relaxed relationship ongoing with her audience. Watching Dr. Pierson's video I noticed how she highlighted common ground between herself and the audience. The Identification of common interests allows the speaker to remove the invisible barrier that separates the speaker and audience.


Grand Valley State University, (n.d.). Connecting with the audience. Retrieved from

Pierson, R. (n.d.). My mama said. Retrieved from

Pierson, R. (2013, April). Every kids needs a champion. Retrieved from

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